General articles for all users

These articles are for all users of TPControl products and platforms.

How can I TRY/BUY TPControl?
Trial licenses are available from any of our stores product pages using the Try for free links provided. Trial licenses provide a means of evaluating TPCon...
Thu, 3 Aug, 2023 at 1:23 PM
TPControl licensing overview
There are two licensing models: 1. Individual device license - License a single TPControl device - this includes two subclasses of licenses; Tablet &am...
Mon, 14 Aug, 2023 at 3:15 PM
Pricing information - where is it?
Our website will only provide pricing based on accounts that have a valid AMX Company ID associated with them. Our agreement with AMX requires that we do th...
Tue, 10 Nov, 2020 at 1:54 PM
How to update your TPControl account password
There are 2 methods available for changing the account password **** Method 1: If you know the current password, and want to change it. Firstly ensure yo...
Mon, 9 Dec, 2024 at 1:00 PM
TPControl vs Crestron
- TPControl is supported on multiple platforms; iOS, Android, and Windows. - TPControl presents itself to the controller as a native touch panel utilizi...
Tue, 8 Aug, 2023 at 1:49 PM