There are 3 methods available for deauthorizing Tokens/devices, option 1 & 2 require access to TPCloud. An internet connection is required to perform a deauthorization.

Option 1: Deauthorize and reassign by PIN (use this option if you have the device you want to deauthorize available)

- Log in to TPCloud using the account/TPC User ID that is associated with the Token for the device.

- Locate the Token on the token tab

- Select the Tokens 'Deauthorize' tab.

- Choose the Deauthorize and reassign by pin option.

- Go to TPControl settings on the device and select TPCloud pin and enter the pin provided to deauthorize.

Option 2: Manual Deauthorization (use this option if you DO NOT have the device you want to deauthorize available)

- Log in to TPCloud using the account/TPC User ID that is associated with the Token for the device.

- Locate the Token on the token tab

- Select the Tokens 'Deauthorize' tab.

- Select "Deauthorize by Request" option.

- Manual deauthorizations can take up to 24hrs to be processed. If your token has not been deauthorized after 24hrs, contact for further assistance.

Option 3: Deauthorize with TPTransfer (Legacy)

- Connect via TPTransfer to the original registered device.

- Use the "TPTransfer -> Tools -> Deauthorize" option, and follow the prompts.

This method will immediately update our servers, and deauthorize the Token and device.

After deauthorizing the Token, it can then be registered to a new device.

Additional information is available in the 'Deauthorizing Tokens' section of our setup guides. e.g. 'TPControl for Apple, TPCloud and TPTransfer guide

Note: Sometimes TPCloud does not sync the live data for Tokens when you log in, so if you have received notice that the token is deauthorized, press the 'Refresh' option next to 'Add Token' and that will prompt TPCloud to request current data from our licensing server and update the token to reflect the correct status.

Also, for future reference, without requesting a deauthorization first, you can use the on-device 'Token Registration' option to register replacement devices (or if the old device has changed it's TPC Device ID), and when prompted that the Token is in use with another device, press Submit again.